Free information-based business systems

November 30th, 2014   •   Comments Off on Free information-based business systems   

The ideal marketing system for service-based businesses with a long selling cycle

Frustrated by wasted advertising?

Got better things to do than “flavour-of-the-month” social media? Have you implemented keep-in-touch email marketing?

Providing free information to prospects is an ideal system for service-based businesses. Particularly those needing to be introduced to the managerial suite; those whose offering requires substantial investment; or, those with a longer selling cycle.

The selling of services is often complex. The problems start with how service-based businesses deal with the challenges of the intangible service offering. Your client cannot see your product before making an investment. He is generally not in a hurry to make a purchase and when he is ready to buy, you’re just one of several businesses offering similar benefits.

The first hurdle is building the relationship. Obviously, you can’t simply bluff your way into a someone’s office and convince a person you’ve just met to buy stuff from you. So what can you do in advance of your meeting to clearly identify your market position and the specific attributes that make your business the obvious choice?

A free information system is a proven way of attracting qualified prospects

It builds credibility in your service offering, then moves those prospects to a point where they trust you enough to start the sales process. It’s definitely not rocket science and certainly not anything you haven’t heard before. But if you aren’t using this system in your business right now, it probably means you need help with implementation.

To find out more about the SmartKITS program and how the principles of keep-in-touch marketing can help you implement a simple, effective and affordable method of attracting new prospects, download the free info pack or call Smarthinking on 0411 713 003.