Are you speaking to prospects in Klingon? Part 1

May 31st, 2014   •   Comments Off on Are you speaking to prospects in Klingon? Part 1   

Something missing from your sales approach? Are you speaking the prospects’ language? Part 1 of three

Klingon commander

Do you recognise anything in this scene?

There’s plenty of interest in your services and consequently you’re getting lots of opportunities to present your offering, but you’re consistently failing to convert the majority of prospects into buyers.

Have you considered that you’re speaking to them in @#$% Klingon!

You don’t know why they don’t buy – after all, they’re coming to you via referral, website, outbound marketing and networking – it doesn’t take much to get interest.

The offer is right; the pricing is right; the solution fits the expressed need; your message is uniform and consistent – it just seems that as soon as you start the sales pitch, the shutters come down and their interest turns off.

They look at you as if you’re talking gobbledy-gook.

Every so often, someone does buy, which keeps you plugging away, but you feel there’s something missing from your approach.

Why don’t they buy?

One common reason people don’t buy is that salespeople often get locked into a default pitch which only reflects the language they themselves use.

Perhaps you’re speaking in a language your prospects don’t understand. And that goes for all your communication – website content, sales pitch, face-to-face networking, what you say, how you say it – everything.

There are two important things to know about all forms of sales communication. The first thing to understand is, people buy in different ways. These differences are totally dependent on personality and unless you’re on the same wavelength as your prospect, you might as well be speaking Klingon.

Prospects and customers are different from you

The second thing is, unless you can recognise the language your prospect speaks – the wavelength they’re on – you can’t hope to sell them anything. Wrong style means miscommunication, which is why you’re getting those blank stares.

You’re saying one thing, but your prospect is hearing something completely different.

The mistake we often make is to assume our target audience thinks or feels the same way we do. Prospects and customers are different from you and different from each other. And they are always seeking people like themselves. You will succeed in communicating once you recognise the differences and realise that you must approach them the way they want to be approached, not necessarily the way you would want to be approached.

So, how do you recognise these differences? Well, let’s take a look at how we buy.

The different ways we buy

Buyers of business services are generally not casual shoppers. It’s very difficult to “sell” someone a service they’re not in the market for. Realistically, most prospects are “buyers,” going in search of professional services only when they need it or expect to need it in the near future.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you had a tooth pulled just because you happened to be driving past a dentist?

Four personality types

The ways in which we buy can be divided into four groups. And these groups are governed by personality.

Despite the fact there are over 7 billion people in the world, each of us is one of just four fundamental personality “types,” or profiles.

For more about personality profiles, attend one of Gavan Podbury’s entertaining and informative seminars, or visit

Each of these four personality types corresponds to one of four kinds of buyer personality. Each of us buys in one of these four ways. And each type is very different from the others.

Each personality type thinks, feels and sees the world differently. Each views their wants and needs, likes and dislikes, distractions and objectives differently. And when making a buying decision, each type processes information differently. Because the types buy in such different ways, you must use a different communication style for each. Contd. Part Two